Experts and Professionals
Given the limits that we have on our resources we are unable to employ experts and professionals in every field that we work into and so the support and volunteer assistance of such people is invaluable to our work. We are always looking to work with individuals and teams who have professional expertise and skills, advice and training that they wish to share with us and our beneficiaries.
Similarly to the support we welcome from individuals and teams, professionals who whish to volunteer should still be aware that as a Christian organisation it is important to us that all volunteers share our values and so we do seek references from church pastors.
Below are some examples of ways that experts and professionals have helped us over the past few years:
- We are blessed to have an ongoing relationship with Links International who have provided teams of individuals experienced in village healthcare training and the development and establishment of village healthcare committees who can work together to improve the standard of healthcare, cleanliness and sanitation in their villages.
- Stella Kasirye is a trained tailor who lives in Lilongwe. For several years she has been coming to assist us with our skills training and development and has trained over 50 ladies in our target communities in the art of tailoring.
- Geoff Henman is an engineer who has visited our communities on a number of occasions to help install irrigation systems and keep the water pumps in working order.
- Alex and Sara Millington are a Chartered Accountant and trained Primary School Teacher who spent over a year working with us on a day-to-day basis training the village teachers, helping us with organisational development, developing our administrative systems, assisting with the development of our vision and mission and training us in donor liasion and communication skills.
We value the input and support of all professionals and if you have a skill that you believe will be of great value to us and you have the time to invest in our organisation then please contact us to discuss professional volunteering opportunities.
"Transforming communities through the implementation of programs which affect all areas of community life including: agriculture, education, economic empowerment, advocacy and discipleship, working through the local church and community leaders." |
©Hope Missions Ministries 2008.
Private Bag B510, City Centre, Lilongwe 3, MALAWI
Tel: +265 (0)999 392 545